Megaputer Intelligence has teamed up with IBM and developed a special version of its award winning PolyAnalyst data mining system fully integrated with IBM’s Visual Warehouse Solution. Now the power of the two state-of-the-art systems for data storage and analysis comes in a single affordable solution.
The special version of PolyAnalyst supports the Visual Warehouse business views versioning. The DataGuide administrator can attach PolyAnalyst to a Visual Warehouse business view object type, allowing the user of DataGuide to import business view data directly to PolyAnalyst by simply clicking on the appropriate object. Alternatively, PolyAnalyst can be added to the business view definition as a user-defined program. In addition to importing data, PolyAnalyst also imports the corresponding descriptive information.
After receiving the sampled data for investigation, PolyAnalyst automatically analyzes this business view data utilizing a combination of its seven powerful exploration engines. The best developed prognostic model is stored then directly in the Visual Warehouse environment, allowing the application of the created model to the bulk of data contained in the warehouse. In addition, PolyAnalyst can export the results of its data modeling project to a TAG file, easily incorporated then in the DataGuide of Visual Warehouse. All these convenient features turn the Visual Warehouse – PolyAnalyst tandem in a full-cycle ready-to-use Decision Support System.
According to Nicolas Ignatovich of IBM Moscow, “IBM recommends using PolyAnalyst for the intelligent analysis of data stored in a warehouse.”
With the introduction of an additional Neural Network engine based on a new proprietary technology, PolyAnalyst becomes one of the most powerful data mining systems on the market. A preview version of PolyAnalyst 4.0 including the new Neural Network engine, as well as many other new features will be available for downloading by the end of June, 1998 at
Visual Warehouse Solution, DataGuide are trademarks of IBM Corporation,
PolyAnalyst is a trademark of Megaputer Intelligence Ltd.