BLOOMINGTON, Ind.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–March 31, 1998–Megaputer Intelligence announces immediate availability of its new complete data mining solution, PolyAnalyst 3.3 for Windows NT. The popular PolyAnalyst visual environment becomes even more user-friendly in the new release, while the broad selection of unique automated data exploration engines is enhanced by three new algorithms.
New features of PolyAnalyst 3.3:
- Direct communication with ODBC-compliant databases, such as Oracle, DB2, or Informix
- Cluster engine finds and separates compact groups of records, facilitating market segmentation or cross-selling analysis tasks
- Classify engine solves such tasks as customer profiling or patient diagnostics
- Discriminate engine determines what combination of features sets a specified dataset apart from the rest of the data
- Optional Client/Server architecture tailors PolyAnalyst for larger corporate environment
- Convenient result reporting features: a mixture of text, graphics and system reports can be assembled in a hard copy printout
- Direct data and results exchange with MS Excel accommodates the needs of the lower end users
- Categorical variables can be included uniquely in the Linear Regression exploration
Free evaluation copy of the software is available from
“PolyAnalyst scores extremely well by providing a complete environment in which any research worker could data mine his or her own data,” points out David McIlroy, Chief Analyst of Master Foods, Belgium.
“The software provides a unique and powerful set of tools for data mining applications, including promotion response analysis, customer segmentation and profiling, and cross-selling analysis,” says Raymond Burke, E.W. Kelley Chair of BA, who relies on PolyAnalyst in his Marketing Intelligence course at Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business: “Unlike neural network programs, PolyAnalyst displays a symbolic representation of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. This is a critical advantage for business applications, because managers are reluctant to use a model if they don’t understand how it works.”
PolyAnalyst is an object-oriented multi-strategy data mining solution based on the latest achievements in the field of automated knowledge discovery in databases. The system models the investigated object, discovers the hidden relations and presents them in explicit symbolic form. A large selection of mutually complementary exploration engines allows the user to predict values of continuous variables, model complex phenomena, determine the most influential independent variables, and solve classification and clustering tasks. Point-and-click graphical user interface, versatile visualization and report generation capabilities, and a convenient interface with many data storage architectures make PolyAnalyst a very easy-to-use system.
PolyAnalyst Lite for Win95 is available and will be announced shortly.